CLLL Catalog























Below you will find a list of DVDs now available for sale
(you may click on the name for each scholar’s biography).

Individual Programs

  1. Jerald Apps
  2. Stephen Brookfield
  3. Phyllis Cunningham
  4. Robert Gagne
  5. John Holden
  6. Cyril Houle 
  7. Malcolm Knowles
  8. Alan Knox
  9. Sharan Merriam
  10. Jack Mezirow
  11. Leonard & Zeace Nadler
  12. Betty Ward
  13. Burton Kreitlow
  14. John Niemi
  15. Alex Charters
  16. Peter Jarvis
  17. Rosemary Caffarella
  18. Edgar Boone
  19. Carol Kasworm
  20. Raymond Wlodkowski
  21. Jovita Ross-Gordon
  22. Marcie Boucouvalas
  23. Harold Stubblefield
  24. Ellen Ironside
  25. William (Bill) Langner
  26. Talmadge Guy
  27. Wayne Schroeder
  28. Patricia Cranton
  29. Roger Hiemstra
  30. Allen Tough
  31. Tom Heaney
  32. Violet Malone
  33. Huey Long
  34. Juanita Johnson-Bailey
  35. Curtis Ulmer
  36. Susan Imel
  37. John Dirkx
  38. Elizabeth J. Tisdell
  39. Roger Boshier
  40. K. Patricia Cross
  41. Aimee Horton
  42. Larry Olds
  43. Allan Quigley
  44. Mary Alfred
  45. Larry Daloz
  46. Budd Hall
  47. Ron Cervero
  48. John M. Peters
  49. Ralph Brockett
  50. Amy Rose
  51. Larry Martin
  52. Mark Tennant
  53. Virginia Ricard
  54. M. Carolyn Clark
  55. John Henschke
  56. Mary Alice Wolf
  57. Sandra Ratcliff Daffron
  58. Ian Baptiste - click here for bio
  59. Kathleen King
  60. Tom Sork


Conversation Clips:  Volume One

Featuring three to five minute excerpts from Apps, Cunningham, Houle, Knowles, Merriam, R. Smith, Tough, Ward.

Conversations Clips: Volume Two

Featuring: Mezirow, Cranton, Dirkx, Tisdell, Brookfield, Boucouvalas, Taylor, King, Johnson-Bailey, and Heaney.

50th AERC Anniversary Program
"Looking Toward the Future" DVD
In celebration of the Adult Education Research Conference's 50th anniversary, excerpts from 21 of the early scholars' views and comments about the future were chosen for this unique DVD.




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